Monday, 29 August 2011

Cass week 6 fact or fiction

heyy Amelia,

  1. The first Olympic Games was held in 776 BC in Olympia.

  2. In Sparta strong babies were put outside to die.

  3. Most girls got married in their early teens to men twice their age.

  4. Most ancient Greek belived sickness was a punishment from the gods.

1 comment:

  1. 1. True, The first Olympic Games were held in 776bc. I know this because I sat next to you when you were doing this page on your assignment.
    2. False, In sparta only WEAK babies were put outside not strong babies. I learnt this from the videos we watched.
    3. True, most girls in athens got married in their teens to men twice their age.
    4. True, they did believe illnes was a punishment from the gods and that only the gods could cure them.

    From Amelia :) :)
