Blogging Guidelines and Commenting

Blogging Guidelines
It is important that this blog is used for the purpose which it was intended. Which is to provide the class with an online place to discuss and share their learning. To be able to do this effectively we need to follow some guidelines.

  1. Use appropriate language and be sure that anything you write you are proud of and are prepared to take responsibility for.
  2. Always be respectful of others.
  3. Never give out or record personal information on your blog. (Check out Blogsafety)
  4. Don’t write about other people without permission; if you can’t get their permission, use first names or initials only. Never share someone elses last name.
  5. Make sure you acknowledge resources used. 
  6. Be aware of copyright — especially with sounds and images. Make sure what you use is copyright free !! (Just because you find it on the internet does not mean you are free to use it without permission !!) Please review Copyright Issues on the Web and be sure to see Copyright 1” and “Copyright 2” for more information.
  7. Stick to tasks set in class. Stay away from discussing plans for the weekend, general rambling, or diary entries about your social life.

Quality comments are important.
  1. Have a greeting, your comment and an ending.
  2. Use correct spelling, punctuation and spacing.
  3. Read over the comment and edit before submitting.
  4. Compliment the writer in a specific way, asking a question, and/or adding new information to the post.
  5. Write a relevant comment that is related to the post.