Monday 12 September 2011

Casidy. week 8 fact or fictions

1. Alexaner The Great died from a fever after a long session of eating and drinking.
2. Some 1900 yars ago, the greek doctor Galen was very upset at the practices used by the olympic trainers to hlp athlets win.
3. Both woman and mn were alound to do things in the olympic games.
4. The men in Athens decided every thing like who their daughter would marry.

1 comment:

  1. To Cass

    1. Alexander the great died from a fever called

    2. the greek doctor galen was very upset on how the trainers helped athletes win.

    3. Faulse only men could be apart of the olympic games

    4. It is true that men decided who their daughters would marry.

    From Brodie
